2018 Writing Festivals: Spoilt For Choice

In Episode 13 we gave listeners a round up of some of the major and regional writing festivals taking place in Australia in 2018. Our list is by no means exhaustive but here are some of the festivals we thought looked interesting.

We would like to thank the writers of The Pilot Diary for listing many of these festivals and saving us all the hard work!We'll be at  All About Women, Sydney, Mudgee, West Coast Fiction the Young Writers Festival, the date of which is yet to be announced. And we hope to get to a few more! 

Newcastle Writer's Festival - http://www.newcastlewritersfestival.org.au
WOW Australia Festival - https://www.wowaustralia.com.au
Sydney Writer's Festival - https://www.swf.org.au
Southern Highlands Writer's Festival - https://www.shwf.com.au
Feminist Writers Festival - https://feministwritersfestival.com
Mudgee Reader's Festival - http://www.mudgeereaders.com
National Young Writer's Festival - http://www.mudgeereaders.com
Margaret River Readers and Writers Festival - https://mrrwfestival.com
Write Around the Murray - http://www.writearoundthemurray.org.au
Byron Writer's Festival - https://byronwritersfestival.com
Rose Scott Women Writers Festival - http://www.rswwf.com.au
Clare Readers and Writers Festival - https://thewriteweek.com
West Coast Fiction Festival - http://www.wcfictionfestival.com.au
Scone Writers Festival - http://www.sconewritersfestival.com.au