Not Quite 30-Love by Sally Bradfield

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SALLY BRADFIELD launches her debut fiction novel NOT QUITE 30-LOVE 

Twenty-eight year old Katie Cook lands her dream job in the world of professional tennis. It was like being invited to the Academy Awards, except they were all wearing branded tracksuits.​​Katie finds life in Sydney to be not quite measuring up and makes the move to follow her childhood obsession with professional tennis, running away to join this circus of a world and finding work as a publicist. 

 Racing around the globe faster than a Contiki tour, creating internet scandals wherever she goes, Katie is seduced by the appearance of glamour and her weakness for bad boys. She falls for one of the troubled champions and starts a trending relationship.

With an archenemy placing social media bombs in her way and hashtags haunting Katie in her sleep, she navigates her way through a series of social media and love crises.​Katie has some decisions to make. Does she want a hero or a career? Will she end up happily ever after? What does that even mean? One thing is for sure, she will never schedule an Instagram post again! #Girlsareheroestoo.​​The story is written by a tennis insider and has been described as The Devil Wears Prada meets the exciting world of professional tennis.



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Sally Bradfield "Not Quite 30-Love"

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